San Ramon Marriott Deluxe Discounted Rooms on New Years Eve
Deluxe Discounted Marriott Rooms on New Year's eve
How to Get a Discounted Deluxe
Marriott Room for New Year's
The best way to get a discounted from the San Ramon Marriott on New Year's Eve is to do it online. But you must do it soon since these discounted rooms may sell out soon. Calling the Marriott to book rooms is slower and prone to error and is generally not recommended. For best results book on line by clicking one of the links below.
The breakfast is quite good and you can pick out the ingredients for an omelette and have it cooked before your eyes. Many other items are available, too, and they are included with the breakfast, such as various fruits, cereal, milk, orange juice, coffee, and so on.
Booking Marriott Rooms By Phone
Online booking of New Year's eve rooms stops on 12/30 or before depending on availability . But you can call the Marriott Central Reservations by 12/31 to see if the specials are still available. Call 888-236-2427
and ask for the Special New Year's Eve Party Room Block. Tell the agent that there are two deals one for $126 and one for $169 (with breakfast). Sometimes agents have difficulty finding these deals, but if you insist that there is such a room block, they usually can find it. Buying tickets online is recommend as discussed above. If the agent cannot find the deals, it is better to book online, as mentioned above. If you cannot book the room by phone, please call the New Year's Eve event organizer, Phil Seyer, for help at 925-8.8.8-4392. He will try to open up more rooms at this special price.