Are you a Valentine. If so take your partner to a fun Valentines party. Yes, you can come, too.
Are You An Unvalentine? Don't worry, you have a chance to change that on Feb 2, 2019
Unvalentines Alert! You might even meet your Valentine soon -- on Feb 2, 2019 to be exact at this fun gathering in a tasteful lodging! Those who are already a Valentine or come as couples will not be turned away. We want everyone to be able to come and have a good time. But be advised this party is desired for UNVALENTINES (SINGLES in other words)
$20 online or get 50% off when you join our Facebook Group
You can move to the groove dancing to your most loved tunes, with DJ Dancing
Grown-ups of any age welcome. We ask you to dress nicely. Men! Don't be a slob. Dress up and women will love you for it.. Saturday, February 2, 2019, 8pm-Midnight.
Area: Hilton Hotel, not far from Levi Stadium, 4949 Great America Pkwy,
Santa Clara CA 95054.
It's near a Light Rail stop. Also you can stop and secure your car for free in the area provided by the Hotel. In the event that this area is full, you can use the area accessible at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
CO-SPONSORED by Professionals Guild the Ultimate Party and many other social groups so you can expect a good crowd.